Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Power of Music

Okay, that title is cliche'. But seriously, I'm on to something here. If you don't have kids yet, and are reading this - you have to remember this post. File it away in the random remembrances for a later date.

So every mom knows how the hours of 4-6pm are pretty much when you want to go in the bathroom and lock yourself in it - and your not doing anything in there, either. You are trying to get dinner on, the kids are at your feet, begging you for food, they've already watched too much TV so you can't use that babysitter, there really is no other way to describe it other than h-e-l-l.

The other day, I discovered something that has changed my world. Classical music. I turned on a classical music CD, because I was into playing that for my first baby, per all the baby books. The children began playing together nicely, my blood pressure went down tremendously, and I was able to cook my dinner of roast chicken, fresh salad, and homemade rolls. All right, not really - it was really mac and cheese with beans and tomatoes. But that's beside the point. Something about that calm music saved us all. I even think Andy was proud as he walked in the door and there wasn't lots of crying, screaming, and a look of desperation from me. I tried my theory another day, just to see if it was a fluke thing. It wasn't. So now everyone - the secret is out. No only can you culture your children, but you can actually get dinner on the table in peace with your classical CDs. I dare you to try it. And I expect you to come back an comment on how this has single-handedly changed your life.


Kelly said...

I hear ya!
Lily and Maggie enjoy it....they play quietly while I have it on in the house and I turn it on now in the car since Jason's been listening to it when he's with the girls in the car.
It works wonders and you almost feel civilized.
And I tell you what, mac and cheese and even muffin tin meals feel like fine dining when you crank up the classical!

Cristina said...

Your hilarious! I love that this works for you. Emma has had her own CD player (and CDs) for several years now and that is my favorite distraction for her. I think it's hers too because she listens to music several times every day.

Anonymous said...

My kids' school does this every morning before the pledge to the flag. They sit in their desks quietly and listen to classical music before they start their day. It must work! What a great idea. BTW - I was drooling when you started talking about the chicken, salad and rolls. Have a great day!

Pink Happens said...

we love to put on music around here too ... but i have to say it's not usually classical - we like to dance! and anytime i need to get something done (like homemade dinner - not!) i put on something fun (like the chipmunk sound track) and the girls dance dance dance while i finish what i need to - AND on the plus side too - they're worn out after dinner from dancing and don't fuss much about going to bed :) whoo hoo!