Sunday, January 25, 2009


I miss blogging. I promise. But it is really at the bottom of the list these days. I've been having a lot of internal dialog as to whether or not I should take a big blogging break. I tell myself I don't need the pressure when I feel like I'm not posting often enough for my readers. But then I think of how I really wanted this to be something my family could look back on in years to come and remember. I also know how much I enjoy reading others blogs who I never get to see, but still feel like I know them since I read their blogs. But after sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day, then coming home and doing some more work on the computer for my brother, I just can't bear to sit and type up a post. So for now, the verdict is that I will not put any pressure on myself, and when I have a minute, and the desire, I'll sit down and blog. It might be short lived, it might not. I can make no promises. Just know I miss you all!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tornado GeeGee

It was my Grandmother's 90th birthday this weekend. And we lived it up. It started with all my family in town - minus my brother in Dallas - we missed you Matt and Jo. The cousins haven't all been together in years. So it was a very rare occasion. The festivities began Friday night where we all piled into Limos and headed to an old house turned restaurant where we had the 2nd floor to ourselves. We all got dressed up and enjoyed a swanky meal and lots of family pics courtesy of our hired photographer. My grandmother's gift from all the grandchildren was the photographer and we are going to put together an album of the festivities. Then the next 2 days have included lots of game playing, eating, and reliving old times. Needless to say my entire family is spent. But it was all worth it. Once I get the pics, I'll be sharing them with you. Really, there's nothing like watching your kids create memories with their cousins, while you and your cousins sit and remember yours.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some things I liked about my weekend

  • spending time with my girlfriends
  • catching my youngest behind the couch with a box of cheez its.
  • I love my church
  • catching up with an old friend from a few years ago
  • I love that my kids love our friends - they run up to them and give them hugs. That is the best.
  • Taylor Swifts new CD about 14 times
  • All American Pizza
  • staying up late
  • sleeping in
  • hanging out with the best husband ever
  • Zak's new spiky haircut
  • Neely trying to fix my hair

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Somthing else I didn't do

Now, I'm really not trying to be an annoyingly "bragging" parent. We all know them, the parents whose kids are the best at everything, yada yada yada. The intent of this post is to pass along a great tip. So keep that in mind.

Zak ended up getting a little math award at school. He told us he was the only on in his class getting it (granted, he's only in kindergarten - how can you get a math award when they don't really do math??) Anyway, Andy and I were proud of course and that yet again took away my guilt of letting my kids watch more TV than I think they should. As long as they are doing well in school - I say, let them watch. So as Andy and I were talking, we were like - "do you work with him on math?" "No, do you?". We couldn't figure it out. Then we heard in the background him playing his Leapster. Now, for those of you who don't know, a Leapster is a handheld gaming toy. But every one of the games is educational. And they're fun. We figured out that he's learning Math from that toy. Google Leapster and if you have a preschooler who doesn't have one - go buy it. Its an investment in your child's education!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I was craving structure. I thrive on it. So this week of back to the schedules was just fine by me. I think the kids do better when we have one anyway. So Andy is back to making fabulous meals. Tonight was nice homemade beef enchiladas. Last night was homemade buttermilk pancakes. Then he proceeded to tell me how he saw my friend at the tag agency, then my other friend called him to work out the class volunteer schedule. It make me chuckle. Its like he's living my life, and I'm living his. Its making me laugh. My world is growing on me. I'm up at 6, out the door by 7, and at work by 7:30. I usually hit the fitness center at lunch time and eat lunch at my desk, then head home at 4:30 to dinner on the table and my kids overly excited to see me. Is this really my schedule?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What fashion designer shall I thank for this one?

I needed a new pair of jeans. I have one "nice" pair that I wore to church or just out. I had 2 pairs that both have a hole in the same knee (I think I must bend down on that knee all the time to help the kids). And that was the extent of my denim wear. So I began a hunt for some jeans. I would categorize myself as "borderline trendy". I know what is in style. I don't always choose it, or I go for the cheap knock off version. But I'm not completely out of touch with society. Now Andy is very in tune with style and is quick to tell me if something I am wearing needs to be retired. As I began trying on jeans - I noticed that the majority are low rise. There is low rise, ultra low rise (yeah right - I've had 3 kids and I can't afford a personal trainer), mid rise, etc. I talk myself out of the classic fit, because I want to ramp up the style. I end up going with the low rise. My very first pair of low rise jeans. I thought they fit nicely. So I bought them. Then I wore them all day. If you have never worn a pair of low rise jeans, I'll let you in on something you apparently need to know. You will constantly check your waist because it feels like they are falling off. All. day. long. To add insult to injury, as I sat on the floor playing with my kids, my "very sensitive to body parts" son was all to quick to point out he was seeing something he shouldn't. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that I'm not as "hip" as I once thought. I don't know if I'll purchase another pair of low rise jeans or not. But I can be sure I'll be more careful so as not to scar my son emotionally by mooning him with my low rise jeans.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bring it '09

I think its good to make goals for oneself. But you know, '08 proved to pretty much rock my world. Inevitably, when I plan something, it doesn't meet my expectations and I end up hurt, annoyed, or disappointed. So this year, its no goals for me. I'm just going to see what happens and roll with it. That will be my motto. When something begins to stress me, make me cry, annoy me, or excite me, I'm going to - you guessed it - roll with it. I'd like you all to consider adopting this motto this year. How much more relaxed would you be? Lets be honest - your not in control of your life - God is. Sit back and relax, and roll with whatever he sends your way.