Monday, October 15, 2007

Back to what I know.

I've been in a funk the past few weeks. I haven't wanted to cook, clean, or pretty much do anything. Organization usually rules my life. That's the way I function best. I like to plan out my meals each week, and have my daily "to do" list handy. I don't quite understand why I've veered off the beaten path but I have got to get myself back on it. I think I wanted to just try throwing caution to the wind and letting my day just "happen". Or maybe its because I'm in the vicious cycle of overcommitment. But what that has left me with is a very dirty kitchen and my kids watching way too much TV. So this the day of me turning back to my normally motivated, organized self. I figure if I can give myself a little pep talk via the blog then I'll have to hold myself accountable. So self, lets do what we do best and get to lists and charts.

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