Wednesday, September 10, 2008

An expensive use for diapers

So I was driving the kids home from school yesterday, when Zak made a comment that there was a spider web on his chair. I thought that was interesting and then thought about the stroller that had been in the garage that was now in the back of the van. About 5 minutes later Paige yells "a spider! a spider!" I look on the roof of the van at some interesting looking bug, but was not convinced it was a spider. So as I am driving I am trying to get a good look at it. I decide it needs to be killed. So I start looking for the Pirates of the Caribbean box of Kleenex that has been in my van for months, to be his final resting place. Well, I can't find it. And all the sudden he begins to crawl towards me, so I grab the fastest thing, which turns out to be a diaper and smash him against the top of the car. When I look again (because I am also trying to keep my eye on the road) his is running towards me, now. It is most definitely a spider, and he has left his sack of eggs behind - He is a she and SHE WAS LAYING EGGS on the roof of my van. I open up the diaper and smash with all my might, and she is finally dead. I am officially freaked out. Then, I'm super annoyed that I wasted a completely good diaper on a spider.


Jodie | Velour said...

Okay. Several things.
I'm brand spankin' new here. Found you yesterday and added you to my blogroll immediately because 1)the name of your blog. That's EXACTLY how I take my coffee. So this, me meeting you, must be Providence. :)
2) This quote: Having a post children body, 3 times over, is just not a very encouraging thing. I seem to remember the glory days when I could try on anything and it looked good on me so all I had to do was decide what I liked best.... That is me. Or was me. Whatever.
3) Your list of issues that need attention at home. I so, so relate to #7 & 8... And although I've never actually done #8 before, I think it's a brilliant idea that I SHOULD be using.
I'm so happy to meet ya! I'm gonna go peruse now. :)
Have a happy Wednesday!

Jodie | Velour said...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot... NOTHING is a waste when it comes to killing a spider. Especially a mother one who is trying to dispose of her trash in your car. The nerve.
I think that diaper served a good purpose. It was just gonna get nasty anyway. ;)

Unknown said...

Well, I guess it could have been worse. It could have been a dirty diaper that you smashed into the smashed spider.


Kelly said...

As I read this, Amy, I'm looking above and to the right of my computer screen where I smashed a tee-nincey small spider on the wall with a pencil eraser.
I reached for the closest 'weapon' I had while holding Maggie on my lap and talking to Lily at the same time while sitting here at the computer checking the email. You gotta love multi-tasking.
What I'm saying is......I think the actual 'homicide' took place...............LAST WEEK!
I can't believe the remains (again, it was a very tiny spider) are still on my wall. So, I'm admitting I haven't cleaned up the body of evidence but I'm going to now.......can I borrow a Pirates of the Carribean tissue, please??
And hey, you got more than one spider in the diaper......probably hundreds of potential spiders there so look at it as "killing hundreds of 'birds' with one 'stone'!"
Plus, you can add:
"Defender of the universe" to your resume.

You crack me up!

Amber Elder said...

Ooooohhhhh Gross!!!!!! Did you tell Andy that story? Did he totally freak? That was so worth the diaper especially if it had a sack of eggs. I am picturing the whole scene and laughing!!!