Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Obama Train

I've read a lot of blogs on Michelle Obama today. Seems she was the highlight of the convention last night. I'll be honest - I didn't watch. Nor will I watch the Republican convention. Politics wears me out. It just ends up making me mad. So I just don't watch any media on it. I look at the candidates voting records and then make my decision. It's as simple as that. I don't want to hear their promises because lets be honest - that's all they are. They're voting records tell me who they really are, minus the fluff of a campaign. And there's pretty much one issue I can't seem to get past. Abortion. I think it is the moral compass of a person as to whether they vote for it to be stopped or to not. Now, do I think John McCain is a great person? No way. But since he is standing up for the voice of the unborn - he's my vote. I realize there are other issues. But the economy will forever go up and down, we're committed to the war, but we can stop the murder of unborn babies in a terribly painful way. I just want to quote Obama and something he said at the Saddleback debate. When asked when a human life begins, his response was that "it was above his pay grade to answer". Let me ask - Doesn't the President of the United States have the highest pay grade possible? Isn't it an issue that will come up and he will have to make a decision on it? Is there a box he can check that says "its above my paygrade to make this into a law or not?" That , my friends, was politics at its finest. And because of his pathetic dodge, and his voting record of course, he will not get my vote. I'm sure he will become the next President, and life will go on - for those who aren't aborted anyway. But my conscience will be clear. For those who will be voting for Obama, which is pretty much everyone I know, your still my friends and I still love and respect you. To each his own.


Joanna said...

You knew I was going to comment on this. I consider this issue a "make or break" issue as well, except I'm looking at it from a different angle. I, too, am anti-abortion. We all want to see the abortion rate go down. The fact is the abortion rate has NOT gone down the last eight years under President Bush. His voting record is pro-life, but his actions aren't (and I'm not even talking about the thousands of innocent Iraqis that were killed under his administration). Research shows that if you take care of the poor, raise the minimum wage, provide pre and post-natal healthcare for women, provide paternity leave and family leave, and improvement in the accessability in adoption women will choose to have their babies instead of abort them. Yes, it costs us more in taxes, but isn't it worth it if it saves one unborn child? The Republican agenda to privately admit that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, yet vote against it every four years seems very cynical to me. Voting against abortion isn't enough! You have to take care of the poor, too!! A great man named Jesus taught me that. I want to vote for a candidate who will lower the abortion rate by fighting poverty through tangible acts, not through a symbolic voting ban on abortion. I don't see the Republicans doing this. The rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer under their plan. That's why my vote is for Obama. I'll get off my soapbox now.

Unknown said...

Yikes, Amy! Is your SIL still speaking to you? LOL!

I don't care for any of the candidates or their empty promises. They are all a bunch of wealthy big shots who are out of touch with the real world and what it requires to survive in America today.

Who will I vote for? I'm leaning Republican as well.

Regular, with half and half and raw sugar said...

I knew you would, and that was some food for thought. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl! Good one! And let's not forget McCain's answer: AT THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION!
I will stop right there...don't get me started on Obama, it is too late in the evening and then I won't be able to sleep!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I hate politics, and I was sick of hearing about the DNC before it even started. You know where I live in relation to Denver, and so you can only imagine how "big" the DNC is here in the news media. It's all we hear day in and day out...and it's tiring.

By the way, I'm back! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Having lived through many Democratic and Republican presidents let me just say that our hope is not in a political party or a person. Until man's heart is changed nothing will change and only God can do that.


Anonymous said...

I am with you. WHen obama said it was above his pay grade, my thought was...." you are asking us to place you in the highest most powerful office in the world and yet that is above your pay grade?" Stewardess wannabe makes a great point that we should care about the poor, i agree with that the difference for me though is that i believe people should give of their own hearts and own accord not have it forcefully taken from them by the government...the most inefficient distributor of aid there is (facts have shown that not for profit, religious based organizations are more efficient with aid than any government program) but if we are honest the true reason there are so many abortion isnt because there are poor people (that is just saying that the poor dont have morals) it is because of a lack of morality and faith in God that is plaguing our society. and you cant answer lack of morality with money or with inaction... you have to answer that with God's redeeming love and by standing up for those that cannot speak for themselves...(the unborn). Do i think McCain is the best candidate i would choose...no... Am i a one issue voter...no.... but the defense of my country AND the life of a child born or unborn are both topics that should be given great attention. Sorry off of my soapbox now... Blessings

Pink Happens said...

McCain = lesser of two evils! :)

i'm afraid for my kids lives and the state of our free world if Obama is elected! i think he's dangerous and if elected we'll see war like we've never seen it before and it will prob be amoung ourselves.


Anonymous said...

i am going to jump in here and just join the band wagon. i don't hate politics so much as I am just extremely apathetic about the whole two party system. i feel that promises are as you say just that, and that BOTH platforms are just doing ANYTHING to get elected. a two party system will always just be 51% of folks ticking off the other 49%.

you guys are great.

peace to you


Regular, with half and half and raw sugar said...

Jeff - great to see you dropped by!

Anonymous said...

Amy, your blog is so fun! Only a sanguine would say that in comment to a political blog!

Aunt Linda

A.C.A. said...

It's the end times.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you know me - I have to chime in here! Amy, I agree with you! Politics is politics. It's one job that I will never want or seek out. This country was founded on something totally different than what it is today! When we have a man running for President that can't answer a simple question about LIFE, there is an even bigger underlying issue with that, not to mention the fact that he can't even provide a ligitiment birth certificate from his own birth. All the red flags, so many people blinded.Everything that he stands for is against what the Bible tells us is absolute truth. We have someone running for President that would not swear into office on the Holy Bible. Why are these things ok? And abortion - I am just about to get started. To Stewardess Wannabe - honey, if abortion were illegal then we may not be dealing with the issues we currently are. Why should there be a choice? The choice should be stay away from sex if you don't want babies. If someone kills a woman who is pregnant, when then are they are charged with a double murder. Why is that different that killing a baby inside the womb? Life is life. What about the lives lost in the 911 attacks, Columbine shootings, and YWAM/New Life shootings. Had the people creating those attacks not turned the gun on themselves - would we have left it to go unpunished? Raising the minimum wage has happened under, did that really help the abortion rate. Isn't money the root of all evil anyways? And let's not forget to mention Obama's big "ideas" of a 50% tax on workers in this country. What will that do for abortion? It's about the moral standing of the citizens in this great country. What next? Drugs legalized, maybe that will help? I will not be voting for Obama. I beleive that he is nothing short of an evil man. Now, I haven't said anything about McCain, and I don't nessesarily agree with him either. We tend to beleive that everything can be fixed or broken with the President. It's simply untrue. God is still on the throne, and is fully aware of what will happen next. It is our duty as citizens to vote for the canidate that best supports our own morals and values. I can't get past the abortion thing. It should never be our "choice" whether we take a life or not. I think I am done now. Sorry - abortion makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I have WAY too many friends who want so badly to have a baby, and we have other women running around getting pregnant and going to an abortion clinic to kill the baby all because they have a choice.