Thursday, October 16, 2008

The day from you know where

Its cliche'. I know. But it really was. We have had rain for the past 2 days so that means grey skies, and cooped up in the house. Today was the first day of sunshine in 3 days and Zak comes down with a fever. There go our "fall break" plans. And they were big.....going to the library. At least it was an outing. So we are stuck in the house for yet another day. This is when the toys are old, the TV is always on, and your just trying to get through minute by minute. I'm sure none of you other super moms have had these days. So I end up having to cancel our totally cool dinner plans at 4:00pm because Zak's fever isn't gone and Andy calls to tell me he just threw up. Now I have nothing planned for dinner, because we were going to some friends house, my husband would be of no help, and I am about to lose it. Then the call from Bethany. It was nice to hear from the outside world, if I could have heard. I couldn't hear due to the screaming of my children in the background. I moved from the bathroom, kids rooms, and then my closet - everywhere of which my children found me and continued to be loud. I got a nice "hang in there" from Bethany, hung up the phone, and proceeded to lose it. My kids were sent to their rooms until their sick father came home. I made them call Bethany back, apologize, and told them anytime the phone rings again, they have to automatically go to their rooms until they can learn to have manners. All the while doing this with Rene' on my hip, sucking her thumb. Because that is all Rene' does, all. day. long. Want to be held and suck her thumb.

While all of this is going on, I hear Lisa Whelchel in the back of my head, from the bible study I'm doing, telling me to teach my children's hearts, not just their behavior. I thank God for the reminder, with gritted teeth, and decide everyone is going to bed at 7:00pm.


Kelly said...

Had my day from .... too!
Jason just called last night, while he's away on business this week and told me he has a 3 week looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnng trip coming up the first of November.
And the day........well, I won't bore you but mine wasn't pretty either.
I'm speechless at this point and want someone to hold me all day long while I suck my thumb!
Seriously, I'm just walkin' around the house with my mouth wide open, astonished at the mere thought of 3 whole weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The World According to B... said...

this is where you call ME and say.. Brooke don't you want to hand out with my kids!!!!

Bethany, Phillip & Nolan said...

Sorry to hear about the rest of your day! At least it can only go up from here! I hope Andy starts to feel better and that you don't get it! Hope you got to enjoy at least a little bit of "ME" time after 7!

Cristina said...

So that's where you've been!? I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, I feel like I have had 8+ months of those days and I am longing for it to end any day now. How is that Bible study by the way?

Pink Happens said...

ok so sounds like you need a girls nite out - so as soon as the hubby is feeling better - give me a call and we'll hang out for a few hrs until the kids are all in bed - then we'll THINK about going home :) hehe

hang in there! sorry to hear you're break isn't going as planned!!

Joanna said...

I've had those days, as well, and it is the pits. But just be thankful you get to stay home with your kids full time. In my circle of friends there's only one stay at home mom. It's a priveledge few mothers get.