Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snack Rut

3:00pm is my absolute least favorite part of the day. Actually 3-5:30. Besides the depressing look of the sun going down, for some reason my kids go into their alter egos that like to torture me with lots of whining, crying, and the like. I am usually trying to fix dinner - which is something I enjoy, just not with 3 children in the kitchen hanging on my leg, or sticking their fingers in our "not yet done" dinner or playing/fighting cars under my feet. Most of all, we're in a snack rut. I usually try to do healthy things like fruit, granola bars, etc. Well lets be honest, fruit just doesn't tide you over until dinner, and we've already had fruit at 2 of our meals so its a little redundant. There's the usual crackers, that is so bland and boring. And yogurt. And then, they are always wanting more. That's about all I can come up with. So, I'd like for you to use your most recently acquired skill of commenting on my blog and tell me what is your surefire afternoon snack you give your kids. I'm depending on you now. Its time to give back.


Unknown said...

Hence one of my favorite phrases: "It's always 3:00 in hell". There is no worse time of day than 3:00. Unless it's 3:15 or 3:30 or . . .

Regarding snacks? I got nuthin'. Baggies of dry cereal and a sippy of milk? Two oldest in front of a video and the baby contained in her high chair with said snacks?

I'm in the same boat most days so I look forward to the other suggestions you get. Because you other people are going to comment, right?

Cristina said...

Interstingly enough, I just posted some on my blog. I will add: spread PB&J on a tortilla, let them dip breadsticks in pizza sauce, trail mix (Emma's fave), honey wheat pretzel rods, cheese bunnies (the organic version of fish crackers), apples with peanut butter, cheese and lunch meat on crackers, graham crackers with peanut butter. I could go on and on. Maybe that will get you started! :)

Joanna said...

4:30-6:00 is the witching hour at our house. I know it sounds weird but sometimes I give the kids a little bowl of peanut butter with a drop of honey and a spoon and let them have at it. It keeps them busy for a while and gives them a little protein to last until dinner. Give them a baby spoon to make it last even longer.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is the same ole stuff just a different presentation....Hannah loves to go fishin'--we get out blue paper and she cuts out a pond (you could totally skip this part) she scatters goldfish all over the "water" then she gets the rods (pretzel sticks) and bait (peanut butter) dip the stick in the pb and catch a fish!!! Also, one of her faves is when we are at the bottom of alot of snacks and we dump them all together...for some reason that "mix" of leftovers is one of her favorites. We have a snack drawer for after school that she can go to herself and pick out a snack if I can't cut up an apple or prepare one for her that has single applesauce cups, pb crackers, snack bags of pretzels, oyster crackers, kix, or just about anything else we have. Those fruity snacks (which she really isn't a fan of), small bag of microwave popcorn, she had graham crackers and dipped them in applesauce...yesterday carrots and celery w/ "dip it"...needless to say she is a much BETTER snacker than I!!!!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Protein is the key to keeping them full for longer periods of time. My kids get home from school around 4pm and we try to eat dinner between 5:30 and 6:00. Typcial snacks are peanut butter and crackers, or peanut butter with apple slices, cheese sticks/slices with apple/crackers, or a slice of turkey usually with cheese or crackers. Boring, I know, but it is SO hard to fill them up yet not let them ruin their dinner.

Bethany, Phillip & Nolan said...

I saw a book today at Barnes and Noble called "Snack attack" by Better Homes and Garden! Look interesting and the kids can help! Nolan just likes the graham crackers, fruit snacks or granola bars! You might check out the book!

Anonymous said...

My snack ideas (since we have to do this after a long day at school, too) are: low fat cheese sticks, baby carrot sticks (sometimes I am a nice mom and allow them with low-fat ranch dressing), popcorn, pretzels,and apple slices. The one the I use the most though is cheese. They love it, it is easy, and it's the protien that holds them over until dinner.

Love the blog!

Sheila said...

Hi, I found your blog through Sarah's In the Midst of It.

My kids like smoothies once in a while. I throw in plain yogurt, a little apple juice, frozen fruit and a little bit of Green Lightning (a teaspoon or so). It is a greens supplement with tons of good things in it.

Other staples are: mini muffins (healthy, homemade), pretzels, Pirate Booty and peanut butter pretzels.

Hope that helps!