Saturday, December 15, 2007

You can't forget your neighbors

This is what all my neighbors are getting from us for Christmas.
The Rachel Ray Five-Minute Fudge Wreath

1 (12 oz) bag semisweet chocolate morsels
9 oz (3/4 of a 12 oz bag) butterscotch morsels
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 8oz can walnut halves
1/2 cup currants (I'm not using those)

8 inch cake pan, lightly greased with softened butter.

Place heavy pot on the stove and preheat it over low heat. Add chips and milk and stir until chips are melted and milk combined. Save the empty condensed milk can, cover with plastic wrap, and put it in the middle of the cake pan. Add the vanilla to the fudge then remove it from the heat. Stir in nuts and currants if your using. Spoon fudge into pan around can. Garnish of candied cherries in red and green can only be added the first couple of minutes so work quickly. Cover and chill in refrigerator.

Go here to see a pic. I'll post mine when I get them done. I forgot to get the butterscotch morsels yesterday. I hate it when I forget something at the store.

And that people, can not get any easier.


Tricia said...

I justed watch her make this on Oprah yesterday! So fun!!

A.C.A. said...

It looks lovely and I'm sure everyone will enjoy receiving those. It is best that you cannot mail it to me because it sounds extremely unhealthy and I might eat it! (I take it you remove the condensed milk can before delivering it?)


BlessedMomX2 said...

Neighbors......oh crud, and here I thought I was done!!!! The recipe looks so EASY (and fast) I just might have to try it! Hannah and I made DOZENS of Reindeer Eyes yesterday...another very EASY holiday "baking" recipe that she (and I) just loves!!!!