Monday, December 31, 2007

Part 1 of 2

So its only appropriate on this last day of 2007 to look back on the year and do a little introspection. Don't worry - I'm not a deep thinker so you won't get lost in my thoughts. But we are hopefully learning something new every year, whether its about ourselves or the world around us. So I am going to attempt to pinpoint a few things that I think have increased my intellect.
  1. It is really an honor to be called " mom" and I need to make sure I live up to it every moment of every day.
  2. I'm not one to get too mushy, but I really married well. I've seen a new side of my husband for the first time in 10 years. One time a few years ago I remember saying (in the heat of some argument, I'm sure) "Your not the person I married." And he said to me "that's right, and we shouldn't be the same person we were years ago, we should always be growing and changing". We have probably had the best year marriage wise in our 10 year history. And if you know about some of our circumstances, that could have gone the completely opposite way. I love him more than ever.
  3. I have learned you actually have to work to lose weight. In my life, if something doesn't come easy - I just quit. Well, here's something I can't really quit. There'll be more on this in tomorrow's post.
  4. I learned that baking homemade bread isn't really that hard
  5. I learn this every year. I can't always do everything I want, or say I can. Which leads to overcommitment. Which I have to work on every single year.
  6. Even if you keep a clean house and feed your children healthy, they get sick.
  7. Having 3 children is not like having 2.
  8. Not all my babies are 6 lbs. Some, well one, was actually 8. (I thought my Dr. didn't know what he was talking about when he told me this baby would be bigger than the others.)
  9. And finally - God really doesn't care about my time schedule. And if I know nothing else, as long as I cling to the fact that I believe what He tells me in His Word, I have nothing to worry about.

Okay, part 2 is going to be my goals for 2008. Cliche'? yes. Do I care? No.


Cristina said...

I love that you did this! I want to do it too. Sorry you have been sick. I had laugh ~ yes it is irrelevant when Mom is sick. I cannot believe the picture of Paige! She just grew up all of a sudden! She's not the little toddler that she was last summer. I love your new look too. I was gonna go for this one till I saw you had chosen it. Love it!

Joanna said...

Love this post! Once again, I will be copying your blog. I would have no material if it weren't for your ideas, so you can add that to your list. You're an inspiration to you readership.

Unknown said...

a hearty "amen sister" to all of the above. Especially the big baby thing. My last was 8lb 10oz. with a 14 inch head circumference. I guess I should have laid off the Twinkies when the doc told me to. The poor kid was born with 3 chins.