Friday, September 7, 2007

A little sense knocked into me

For those who are wondering where my previous post went, I had a very kind friend talk some sense into me and made me realize that one of the "friends" I spoke of just might read this blog, because I'm lucky like that. And you know, I need more drama like I need more poopy diapers to change, so its gone. If you read it, consider yourself privileged to view my heart on my sleeve. Ha.

On a lighter note, We hit a huge milestone today. Zak thew up in the toilet...twice, not on the floor, bed, or me. That's the benefit of an almost 5 year old. I can see the light...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least I got to wave at you today as you passed by my room. What I really wanted to do was yell HELP ME!!!! LOL No it wasn't that bad. But one of the babies cried ALL DAY and man, that's annoying. Way to go Zak! Despite the fact that they NEVER see eachother, Gracie is still in LOVE with him. LOL