Thursday, April 16, 2009

oh to be 2 again

Rene' has been cracking us up. She's really starting to talk in full sentences which is fun because we've never heard her do it before. She's doing some funny things too. At the church nursery someone wrote her name on her diaper. She thought it was the coolest thing in the world. So everytime we change her now, she asks for her name on her diaper. I protested the first time. Then she got really upset, and I thought, whats it going to hurt. Every diaper since then has had her name on it. Today, Andy was looking for her and found her in her room with the tube of Desitin. She kept saying "on my baby". Andy found the baby with Desitin smeared in the appropriate spot. It makes a mother proud. When I was talking to Andy on the phone today, I heard, "Hey dad". I thought it was Paige, but it was Rene'. What 2 year old says dad instead of daddy? I should be sad, but I'm not. I'm looking forward to in a few months when we are officially through with diapers!!!


Unknown said...

Soo cute.

I wish we were close to being without diapers. I'm getting the feeling that Jack will be hanging onto them for awhile. Stinker.

Cristina said...

Of course you should be excited to be out of the diaper stage! We are just getting started...darn! Rene sounds like a doll! When Emma was 2 she would call Tim by name, which drove her "Daddy" crazy! And I love that you write her name on all her diapers! So adorable. The picture is so cute!