Thursday, February 11, 2010

Because, lets be honest, only about 3 of you read this

Which is fine with me, by the way. This is my outlet. And today, I'll be using it. To complain about my outlet.

It is so easy to get lost in the world of blogs when you have a spare hour or so, which I absolutely do not have these days. But when I did, it was fun. Its like you can snoop in all these people's lives and they are letting you, but have know idea your doing it. Then there's the flip side. I find myself feeling inferior, not spiritual enough, not fun enough, not busy enough, not friendly enough. And that's when I know its time to stop reading the blogs. When every one's perfect world starts to invade my reality, and give me the wants, I know I need to take a step back. So that's what I'm going to do as of today for at least a week. I'm going to nix the blog reading. I'll still try to blog myself during my little hiatus.

I do want to say to my 3 readers, I hope I never make it look like I have the perfect family, friends, or life. Because, well, that's just not life.

Here's to keeping it real.


Kendra said...

I think you might need to find some new blogs to read! ;-) But seriously, some bloggers do just share the things that make them appear perfect and leave out the rest. I can totally see your point there and have had the same feelings when reading blogs. But, some of the blogs I follow are fellow moms like me, who not only blog about their cool sewing project or the great new recipe they found but also about how they lost it with their kiddos or how they are not happy with their seemingly perfect lives. The cool thing about that is I can read those entries and totally sympathize, since we've all been there at some point or another, and I can try to encourage that blogger. I think I like the "real" bloggers because that's what I am, you read my blog and you'll find the good, the bad and the ugly. :-) Anywho, hopefully your blog-break helps refresh you.

Unknown said...

It's a delicate balance, this mom-blogging thing. On the one hand it's nice to not feel so alone and isolated on the Isle of Motherhood, but on the other hand there are some really terrific posers out there making the rest of us feel like losers. LOL.

Here's to keeping it real. And please don't disappear completely, I've enjoyed getting to know you again after so many years. You're an amazing wife and mother.

Cristina said...

I know what you mean. It's easy to think other people's lives are perfect in bloggy land. But like you said, it's an its easy to leave the stuff of life behind. Sometimes I feel like a "fraud" because I don't share all my struggles and stresses... but sometimes I need a place to go where I can leave all that behind. I do try to blog in general terms about my spiritual journey and about being a mom. For me, some things are too sacred to put on the internet. I love how you keep it real. You make me laugh with all your true life stories. Look forward to hearing more from you!

Dorynda said...

i read your blog, both blogs, and i think they're great. please don't leave.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have more than 3 readers!! Funny - all bloggers probably feel the same way. Most only want to post the fun, exciting, life is great stuff. I guess as we grow older, the "Peer Pressure" never goes away. And maturing helps us to recognize that it's not worth the extra energy.

Kelly said...

Yup.....looks like there's more than 3 of should demand a recount! :o)