Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Veggietales = Narnia

I have been introduced to this great summer program where at my local movie theater, for $5 we can see one kid movie a week for 10 weeks. I know! Steal of a deal!!! So today was our first week and the movie of the week was the Veggie tale pirate movie. My plan is to give Rene' to my mom on these days and I can take the 2 older ones. But my mom was busy today. My thinking was Veggie Tales has songs, etc and surely if I fed her popcorn, she'd be good.

We hooked up with our friends and as we were entering, they informed us that they hadn't received the reel for Veggie Tales so as a substitute they were showing the new Chronicles of Narnia movie. Now I don't know about you, but I don't think that Chronicles of Narnia is an equal substitute for the animated Veggie Tales. I looked down at my 2 year old and 1 year old and knew I was in trouble. After discussing it with our friends, we thought we'd try it. Everyone got settled with snacks, etc and the first preview was a Wil Smith movie - who sets up these kid days anyway? Some single 21 year old guy??????

To make a long story short, when the popcorn was gone, so was their attention span so we asked to go back later in the week once they got the reel in.

And that was our first morning at the summer movies.


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Yeah, that doesn't seem at all like an equal movie trade...especially for toddlers.

We have a program like that too, except that it's only 8 weeks and it's totally free. We have to drive to Castle Rock, but hey, it's FREE!

Most of the movies they'll be showing are PG, but they are showing the Veggie Tales one and Horton Hears a Who.

At least you got out of the house for a little while, huh?

Unknown said...

Uh, not an equal trade if you ask me.

Our theater does this in the summer too, but it's free. They show a young child and older child movie at the same time so you can choose.

I agree, it's a fun thing. My kids think they've died and gone to heaven on free movie day.

Almost don't with Rene's dress. So fun!

Cristina said...

How fun! I have to look into the Castle Rock theater. Sounds fun! I wouldn't go for Narnia either. Pretty intense for a toddler.