Sunday, August 19, 2007

I honestly have good intentions

My sister, bless her heart. It was only a matter of time before she became a subject of one of my blogs. She is thousands of miles away, but her big sisterly ways still impede my conscience.

Traci is all about doing things and eating things in the most natural form they come in. I could give you the big long drawn out reason as to why she suddenly turned this way, but it really would take me forever. The short version is she drank too much hot diet coke which gave her all these wacky symptoms that no physician could diagnose. It turned out to be because of the aspartame in the diet coke.....that turns to poison in when hot.

Anyway, she has felt it her duty to let everyone know of all the different, harmful things we are ingesting on a daily basis. Most everything I enjoy eating is on the "shouldn't eat list". Now I have changed some of my ways. She really should be proud of herself. I actually read the labels at the store. Some of my friends have even made comments on how healthy my family eats. (Granted, I will always have that stash of chocolate, which is why I am officially the chunky sister. Some people are addicted to cocaine, for me its all things sweet.) Maybe its a big sister thing, maybe its just a my big sister thing, but when I am about to have something really unhealthy like canned cinnamon rolls, I can just picture my sister's face, and she is shaking her head disapprovingly.

There really is a point to all this.

I want to do what is best for my children and teach them good eating habits. So I checked out about 7 books from the library on making your own baby food, because its time for Rene'. I bought all my ingredients and made up the first batch of pureed carrots in my blender. As I was browsing the books, I kept reading how sterile your utensils and blender need to be and I thought to myself "I sure hope that spatula I used didn't have any of that crusted stuff on it that the dishwasher leaves sometimes." I then decided that this was probably going to be way to complicated, I do have 3 children you know. And I promptly headed off to Wal mart to get some organic baby food. Now some of you are probably can't believe I'm buying organic baby food and some (Traci) can't believe I'm not making my baby food. This, my friends, is why God made us all individuals. You can make your own baby food, purchase it, or even purchase organic baby food - life is full of choices. We just all have to make choices we can live with.

I am comfortable with my choice to buy organic baby food.


Cristina said...

You're awesome! I love that you are even conscious of eating good. Most people don't have a clue!

Anonymous said...

And that's why I am completely comrotable eating McDonald's 6 out of 7 days of the week LOL Just kidding. We are eating better too, in hopes of preventing cancer in the girls. I hope all my extra effort is worth it, but you really never know. I have heard that about diet coke. My dad had the same thing happen to him and now he just drinks a regular coke once a week or so, instead of a dc every day.